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A Test of Strength Print
Written by Gil Yaron   
Thursday, 31 March 2011
A Test of Strength

Syria’s regime could face a decisive test on Friday. The opposition movement has called for mass protests on this “Friday of martyrs”, after President Bashar Assad profoundly disappointed those who believed that he may champion reforms in one of the Middle East’s most repressive police states. The army is at the ready to meet the challenge.

© 2011 Gil Yaron - Making the Middle East Understandable
Israel’s magic bullets Print
Written by Gil Yaron   
Sunday, 06 March 2011
Israel’s magic bullets

For the first time in the history of modern warfare, a tank engaged and destroyed a missile that was supposed to be its demise. “Trophy” is just one of a whole array of new Israeli weapons systems which the army hopes will revolutionize tomorrow’s battlefield.

© 2011 Gil Yaron - Making the Middle East Understandable
Trying to break out of isolation Print
Written by Gil Yaron   
Wednesday, 02 March 2011
Trying to break out of isolation

Israel’s Prime Minister plans a new peace initiative to try and break out of his increasing isolation. So far, Palestinians and allies alike react skeptically at best. Israel’s government has begun to lose its staunchest foreign allies while gaining detractors from within.

© 2011 Gil Yaron - Making the Middle East Understandable
Next in Line? Print
Written by Gil Yaron   
Thursday, 03 February 2011
Next in Line?

After popular unrest has unseated the president of Tunisia, and rocked the chairs of the rulers of Egypt, Yemen and Jordan, opposition groups are calling for mass protests in Syria today. Most observers are skeptical about their ability to recruit the masses - just like they were in Egypt two weeks ago.

© 2011 Gil Yaron - Making the Middle East Understandable
Israel fears regional changes Print
Written by Gil Yaron   
Wednesday, 02 February 2011
Israel fears regional changes - as Published in the Globe and Mail

As chaos takes hold of Egypt’s streets, people are increasingly asking themselves who could take the reins and put this country back on track. So far, the opposition was united only on one issue: They do not want President Hosni Mubarak to stay. Who they do want instead remains unclear.

© 2011 Gil Yaron - Making the Middle East Understandable
Who's next? Print
Written by Gil Yaron   
Monday, 31 January 2011
Who's next?

As chaos takes hold of Egypt’s streets, people are increasingly asking themselves who could take the reins and put this country back on track. So far, the opposition was united only on one issue: They do not want President Hosni Mubarak to stay. Who they do want instead remains unclear.

© 2010 Gil Yaron - Making the Middle East Understandable
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© 2012 Gil Yaron - Making the Middle East Understandable